Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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How to Write an Adventure
Part 5
Object Manipulation
Of all the things required of an Adventure program, the most fundimental
is the ability to manipulate objects in the environment. This is facilitated
by two major routines... those triggered by the verbs "GET" and "PUT".
The L(X) array determines in what room an object is placed. If L(1)=1
then object #1 is located in Room 1 and so on. By simply changing the number
in the propper L(X) element, we can easily change the location of the object.
Let's say you want to GET KNIFE. The command parser determines that GET
and KNIFE are both recognized words. The V value directs the program to a
particular line of the program (Say 3000) where the GET routine is located.
Let's see what happens next:
At line 3000 we must first determine if the player is already holding the
knife. If KNIFE was noun number 7, then N (noun counter) is equal to 7. (This
was assigned in the command parser... remember?) So how do we know what the
player is holding? Well, array L(X) holds the location of the object. If we
assign the location -1 to anything being held, then there can never be any
conflicts with where other things are located, right? So that is what we do.
This means that to check and see if we are holding the object, we just have to
check and see if L(N)=-1:
3000 IF L(N)=-1 THEN PRINT"You already have the ";N$;".":GOTO 1000
If the OBJECT LOCATION is not -1, the test fails, and control falls to
3010 where we will test to see that the mentioned object can indeed be gotten.
There are some objects that are either too large to be moved, or objects that
need the presence of another object to move them. You can "filter out" these
objects with a test like the one in 3010:
3010 IF N>28 THEN PRINT"The ";N$;" is too heavy to move.":GOTO 1000
In this example, any noun with a count of less than 28 can actually be
picked up. All nouns that are larger than 28 are considered to heavy to move.
Next, we must check to see that the object mentioned is really in the
room with us. This is also easy to check. Our current location is contained in
variable L:
3020 IF L(N)<>L THEN PRINT"I don't SEE the ";N$;" here.":GOTO 1000
L(N) contains the number of the room where the object IS, and L is OUR
The case will arise when the posession of one object is necessary before
another object can be gotten. The code in 3030 is an example:
3030 IF L(19)<>-1 AND N=20 THEN PRINT"I can't do that YET!":GOTO
In other words, if object 19 is not being held, then object 20 cannot be
gotten. This can be turned around to check for ANYTHING, like a certain object
being in another room or the like. You can cram as many of these tests in as
you like (and have memory to accomodate!).
Finally, you come to the moment of truth... All of the tests have been
passed, and it's time to get the object:
3040 L(N)=-1:PRINT N$;" taken.":GOTO 1000
Pretty slick, NO?
PUTTING or DROPPING an object is even easier. The only thing you really
have to check on is, "Do I HAVE the object". If you don't, say so. If you do,
assign L(N)=L...that is...put the ojbect back into a room:
3100 IF L(N)<>-1 THEN PRINT"You don't HAVE the ";N$:GOTO 1000
3110 L(N)=L:PRINT N$;" dropped.":GOTO 1000
There is a special room that we have not discussed yet, and this is as
good a place to talk about it as any. That is Room Zero. You never assigned a
room zero in your planning, but it is there. That is because all of your
arrays begin with the "0" subscript. This room is a "holding tank" or "staging
platform" for objects that are not needed until later in the adventure, or for
objects that must change their form. It's easy to transfer objects too and
from room Zero. Let's say that waving a wand changes a statue (N(12)) into a
princess (N(13)). After you do all your testing to be sure the wand is there
etc the code to do the change would look like this:
3240 L(12)=0:L(13)=L:PRINT"The wand did something!":GOTO 1000
Just swap the objects out!!!!!! This is handy also for lighting lamps and
so forth. Room Zero is also the place you send tasty food that get's eaten, or
treasures that get stollen that you never plan to return to the adventurer.
You MUST have a way to get from one room to another. Usually you GO NORTH
or whatever. The actual movement routine uses the D(X,Y) array to determine if
the requested move is legal. This routine looks like this:
5000 IF D(N,L)<>0 THEN L=D(N,L):GOTO 1000
5010 PRINT"You cannot go in that Direction":GOTO 1000
The D(X,Y) array contains the numbers of all the rooms that canned with
the current room, room L. If the direction is zero, then no exit exists in
that direction. If there IS an exit, then the room number in that array
element becomes the new L number.
Many adventures offer hints to the adventurer. This is usually handled
along the lines of "if he's in room # so and so, tell him this:
11000 ON L GOTO 11001,11002,11003,11004:GOTO 11005
11002 PRINT"The wall appears climbable":GOTO 1000
11003 PRINT"Leave the apples alone!":GOTO 1000
11004 PRINT"Try pushing the button":GOTO 1000
11005 PRINT"Gee, I'm as confused as you are!":GOTO 1000
Depending on the room number, the adventurer gets a meaningful message.
If there is no helkp for a room, the routing should be to line 11005 where a
general purpose "shrug" is displayed.
Examine is handled just like Help. It tells more about a particular
object. The only difference is, instead of keying on the room number, we must
key first on the object, and then check to see if it is
A) in the room
B) on the adventurer
Given an afirmative to either case, we display the help:
12000 IF L(N)<>L AND L(N)<>-1 THEN PRINT "I don't see it!": GOTO
12010 IF N=8 THEN PRINT"It's an old rusted key!":GOTO 1000
In turn, all items can be so handled, and in writing all of these
routines, the adventure is fleshed out.
The final chapter of our little tutoral will deal with enhancements, like
game saves, inventories, and shorthand commands.